Mother and Baby Yoga

I held the first of my new series of Mother and Baby Yoga classes today at the lovely private studio in Claygate and it was lovely to see mums who I saw through pregnancy return to yoga with their little people. 

Abdominal Muscle Separation is very common during and after pregnancy and as this is a post natal class, of course I not only ensure it's safe to do, but also helpful.

Some reminders of things you can do at home, if you wish, to support your stomach coming back together are as follows:

1) Reverse Breathing. 

Not as complicated as it sounds! Sit in a comfortable position, baby on your lap or on the mat in front of you. Sit up tall, shoulders away from the ears. Inhale, lifting up the pelvic floor, then exhale and pull the tummy in, all around, as though you were wearing a corset. It's very much a wrap the tummy in and around action, rather than a flatten-your-lower-back action. 

2) Holding your core when moving

Whenever you stand up, sit down and especially when you are picking up your baby, hold your core inwards, try to keep the back straight and bend your knees. 

3) Heel slides

Lie on your back, head on a cushion. Bend your knees and place your heels by your bottom. Inhale straighten one leg, exhale slide the heel along the floor back towards your bottom, inhale and slide the heel out again. You may find it easiest if you have socks on a wooden floor, for example, for slippiness.  Focus on the exhale and the tummy wrapping round and in as you bring the heel towards you.
