Yoga : Pregnancy Yoga Videos

Quite often people tell me they'd love to come to pregnancy yoga this week but they can't make it because of work / other half's work / life / commitments.  So with that in mind, here are some online options. 

1) My yoga video. Of course! It's not in a fancy hollywood setting - sorry!  - but it is me, and it is yoga. 


2) Lara Dutta's video. I LOVED this when I was pregnant. Partly I think because of the glamorous location and her glorious shiny hair and smile and general loveliness. Partly as well because it was dynamic enough to feel like I'd actually done something. Plus it's 30 mins long, which is better than lots of youtube videos. 

3) Fiji McAlpine on doyogawithme (register and then free to see some videos). Some of her pregnancy yoga is really quite challenging so it depends on your fitness levels and what you’re looking for, but some of it is quite accessible like this one.

Also : Tara Lee's DVD and Nadia Rafaat's DVD